The DriftShot™ Starter is an electronic primer detonator developed to initiate the shocktube.
Efficiency and Flexibility
DRIFTSHOT Starter detonator has a detonator strength of No.12 and detonates stronger than conventionally used detonators. It can be programmed for a certain timing from the blast equipment or the handheld terminal, and it can provide flexibility in case of multiple shots.
In general, electronic detonators are specially designed to withstand electrostatic discharge and currents caused by voltage triggers. In addition, DRIFTSHOT Starter can only be fired with the smart key application and the coded signal series protected by a password. This structure provides a high level of blast safety and eliminates the possibility of an unplanned explosion.
User Friendly
DRIFTSHOT Starter is housed in a plastic block. After inserting the detonation cord, the block can be locked, which prevents any connection break. At the other end of the detonator, there is a transparent plastic connector that can be easily opened and closed with one hand. The transparent nature of this connector which is locked on the harness wire, allows the harness wire to be visually inspected. This way the user can better confirm that the correct connection has been made. There is a waterproof transparent gel pad inside the connector that limits water and moisture ingress during use.
DRIFTSHOT all Starter is used as the starter detonator for multiple face shots with a remote distance or in cases with no option to remove to a safe distance in all surface applications like metal and coal open pit blasting operations, industrial raw material and stone pits, infrastructure construction projects, etc.
Underground Applications
Surface Applications